Winrock Reception
GOTW’s lush, biodiverse installation in the reception area of this  nonprofit organization’s offices provides a warm welcome to visitors,  especially alongside the wonderfully emotive photo. Formed to sustain natural  resources while increasing economic opportunity for the disadvantaged, this  nonprofit organization does remarkable work. Prominent placement of GOTW’s  all-natural, sustainable garden installation provides the perfect motif to  underscore their mission. With a devotion to sustainability and impeccable  ‘green’ credentials evidenced by 3rd party testing, GOTW’s gardens are ideal  for organizations committed to like causes. Seamlessly integrated into the  curved millwork, the garden features moss, forest, and fern species artfully  placed on a flat moss canvas, with a diversity of color and texture to maximize visual interest and appeal. What’s more inviting than that?
Arlington, VA
Gardens with Moss and Foliage