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In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s easy to forget the profound impact that nature has on our well-being. As we spend more time indoors, surrounded by concrete and technology, we often find ourselves craving a connection to the natural world. This is where biophilic design comes in – the purposeful incorporation of nature into our built environments. And while living plants have long been the go-to solution, preserved greenery and flowers are emerging as a powerful tool for enhancing morale and well-being in any space. In this post, we’ll explore how carefully curated preserved foliage and flowers can transform the ambiance and improve the lives of occupants in various built environments.

The Psychological Benefits of Nature in Indoor Spaces

The introduction of preserved greenery and flowers into indoor environments taps into our innate affinity for nature, known as biophilia. This profound connection to the natural world has been scientifically linked to numerous psychological benefits. Exposure to elements resembling nature, even in preserved form, can significantly decrease stress levels, enhance mood, and improve overall mental health. These elements serve not just as décor but as vital components in creating restorative and uplifting spaces.

Beyond aesthetics, the arrival of nature-themed elements in interior spaces can dramatically influence our cognitive functioning. Research has highlighted how offices and homes enriched with plants and natural materials can foster improved concentration, productivity, and creativity among occupants. Preserved greenery, with its undemanding care regimen, emerges as a stellar choice for integrating these benefits seamlessly into everyday environments.

The Nature-Morale Connection

Before we dive into the benefits of preserved greenery and flowers, let’s take a moment to understand the intrinsic link between nature and human well-being. Countless studies have shown that exposure to natural elements, even in small doses, can have a profound impact on our mental and emotional states. Here are just a few of the ways nature boosts morale:

  1. Stress Reduction: Interacting with nature, whether through direct contact or simply visual exposure, has been shown to lower cortisol levels, reduce heart rate, and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.
  2. Mood Enhancement: Biophilic environments have been linked to increased positive emotions, decreased feelings of anger and anxiety, and an overall sense of happiness and contentment.
  3. Cognitive Restoration: Nature has a unique ability to restore our cognitive resources, improving focus, concentration, and creativity.
  4. Social Cohesion: Shared green spaces and natural elements can foster a sense of community, encouraging social interaction and strengthening bonds between individuals.

By tapping into these innate human responses to nature, we can create built environments that not only look beautiful but also actively promote the well-being and morale of those who inhabit them.

Preserved Foliage & Greenery: A Low-Maintenance Solution

One of the most effective ways to incorporate nature into built environments is through the use of greenery – think lush living walls, verdant planters, and cascading green installations. However, as anyone who has tried to keep a houseplant alive knows, maintaining living foliage can be a challenge. Enter preserved foliage – a low-maintenance alternative that offers all the beauty and biophilic benefits of living plants, without the upkeep.

Preserved foliage is created through a specialized process that replaces the water in the plant with a biodegradable preservation solution, effectively “freezing” the plant in time. The result is a stunningly lifelike botanical that maintains its soft, lush texture and vibrant color for years, without the need for water, light, or pruning.

Here are just a few of the ways preserved foliage can enhance morale in built environments:

  1. Consistent Beauty: Unlike living plants that can wilt, fade, or shed with the seasons, preserved foliage maintains its pristine appearance year-round, ensuring a reliably beautiful and mood-boosting aesthetic.
  2. Allergy-Friendly: Since preserved plants no longer produce pollen or harbor mold, they create a healthier indoor environment for everyone, especially those with allergies or sensitivities.
  3. Versatile Design: From green walls and hanging installations to tabletop arrangements and beyond, preserved foliage offers endless creative possibilities for incorporating nature into any space, no matter the size or style.
  4. Cost-Effective: With no ongoing maintenance costs and a long lifespan, preserved foliage provides a cost-effective way to infuse built environments with the benefits of biophilic design.

Whether adorning the walls of a bustling office, adding a touch of serenity to a hospital waiting room, or creating an immersive natural experience in a retail setting, preserved foliage has the power to uplift and inspire.

Preserved Flowers: A Touch of Mindful Beauty

While preserved foliage lays the foundation for a biophilic environment, preserved flowers add a layer of mindful beauty and sensory engagement with their colorful look that lasts years. Carefully selected and artfully arranged, preserved florals can evoke specific moods, stir positive emotions, and create a sense of connection to nature that goes beyond mere aesthetics.

Research has shown that exposure to flowers can have a significant impact on emotional well-being. One study found that participants who received flowers reported increased feelings of happiness and enjoyment, as well as a reduction in depressive symptoms. Another study revealed that the mere presence of flowers in a workplace led to increased creativity, productivity, and job satisfaction among employees.

By incorporating preserved flowers into built environments, we can harness these powerful psychological effects to create spaces that actively promote well-being and morale. Here are a few tips for using preserved florals mindfully:

  1. Color Psychology: Choosing flower colors that evoke the desired emotional response. For example, blues and purples can promote relaxation, while yellows and oranges can energize and uplift.
  2. Seasonal Touches: Incorporating florals that reflect the current season to create a sense of connection to the natural world and its cycles.
  3. Aromatherapy: While preserved flowers don’t emit fragrances like their living counterparts, you can still incorporate natural scents through the use of essential oils or aromatic plants to enhance the sensory experience of these preserved flowers and foliage.
  4. Symbolism: Selecting flowers that hold symbolic meaning or cultural significance to create a deeper emotional resonance. For example, cherry blossoms can represent renewal and the fleeting nature of life.

By thoughtfully integrating preserved flowers into biophilic design, we can create built environments that not only look stunning but also foster a sense of emotional well-being and connection to nature beyond what only preserved greenery would offer. By adding a little touch of color with the preserved flowers, designer can increase the Biophilic affect of these moss walls and preserved gardens.

While choosing the Preserved Garden / Moss Wall provider, one of the things to look for is also the availability of ever blooming preserved flowers in the inventory of the provider. Garden on the Wall is the only preserved garden / moss wall provider in the US that offers these colorful preserved flower foliage to ensure the nature – human connection is fulfilled with the addition of colors.


In a world where stress, anxiety, and disconnection from nature have become all too common, biophilic design offers a powerful solution. By incorporating preserved greenery and flowers into our built environments, we can create spaces that actively promote well-being, boost morale, and reconnect us with the natural world.

From the low-maintenance beauty of preserved foliage to the mindful artistry of preserved florals, these biophilic elements have the power to transform any space into a haven of calm, creativity, and connection. So, whether you’re designing a workplace, a healthcare facility, a retail setting, or any other built environment, consider the power of preserved nature to uplift and inspire.

Using Flower Foliage with different colors also allow the designers to use these installations as a branding opportunity. With a brand that has a purple color scheme in their logo and in their brand identity, using purple colored preserved flower foliage is another tool in designer’s toolbox to create a wholesome, and purposeful design that helps branding.

By embracing biophilic design and the unique benefits of preserved greenery and flowers, we can create a world where our built environments not only serve our practical needs but also nurture our mental, emotional, and social well-being. It’s time to bring the beauty and power of nature indoors – one preserved plant at a time.


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